Presence of a designated secured 24 hours Operational Command Centre to ensure supervision and contact-ability of all our sites.
It serves as the nerve of PSGA Security Operations, conduct silent hour call checks daily for all our assignments and silent hour spot checks on sites.
Equipped with Security Management System and Remote Monitoring. (Our Command Centre is manned by 2 controllers round the clock)
The first thing that strikes me about training and education is knowledge gain. Training gives us knowledge of the world around us. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and have points of view on things in life. Sending employees to training opportunities, or bringing opportunities into the company, actually infuses a business with new ideas and creative ways of solving old problems. But learning new skills and interacting with new and different people has a direct impact on the productivity and development of the work environment and it is not just about lessons in textbooks. It is about the lessons of life.